I haven't posted anything in this blog in a long time because I have been busy in school and at home.
In this post I will explain some edible plants that are around in Canada and pictures so that they can be more easily identified.
There are the ever favorite the blueberry:

Garlic Mustard (green plant)

Gooseberries (fruits)
Indian Cucumber Root (tubers)
Jerusalem Artichoke (tubers)

This is the end you eat
Mayapple (fruit)

Nettles (young whole plant) (& cordage)

what your supposed to do is boil the leaves and eat like spinach
Ostrich Fern (fiddleheads) (young plants)

eat them raw(but wash them first) or boil them with and put some butter on them.
Trout Lily (tubers)

<--- this is the edible part
Wild Carrot (roots)

Wild Garlic (whole plant)

Wild Leeks (whole plant)

Agave Root (root)

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