Now this post is gonna be all about fire and the many ways to achieve it.
There are may ways to get fire but some are more effective then others. Before I get into that though you should know how to build your fire in the most effective way. To start your fire you need 3 things: spark, fuel, and oxygen. The fuel is seperated into 3 catagories; tinder, kindling, and small\large fuel (whatever you can get a hold of). Tinder is the beginning of your fire and is essential in actually getting the fire started, it can be birtch bark or any fiberous dry object another well used is magnesium (explained later). Kindling is essentially small twigs but are only good if they are dry but don't go ripping off peices from trees it can make your supply small. The thing I would recommend would be Cedar branches nearest the bottom because they tend to stay dry even in the rain. Fuel is anything that can burn that is bigger then 2 inches wide.
The different ways to start a fire are friction in the form of the bow drill. (I will go into detail with each at a later date.)
Next is using flint and steel.
Also from different types of lenses.
Lastly my favorite is called Steel wool and batteries.
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